For over 20 years, Value Microwave has developed the
world's most innovative switches for test and measurement, wireless
communication systems, defense and space applications. We are proud of our excellent
performance and reliability of RF switches, which is the key competence leading
Value Microwave to success.
Value Microwave coaxial switches are widely used in
Automatic Testing Equipment, RF & Microwave interconnect market with high
quality and quick delivery. For projects applied Value Microwave coaxial switch
solutions, prototype could be delivered very fast at the stage of design-in, and
safety stock is to be built as well to fully enable customer to improve testing
efficiency in their mass production. We are constantly optimizing our process
control level, using high quality materials adapted to customer specific
requirements, to ensure the stability, consistency, as well as the design life
span of switches.
Reliable quality assurance, innovative switch solutions
and quick response, ensure Value Microwave the leading position in the market.
Value Microwave核心研發工程師皆來自于世界知名的微波同軸開關廠家,擁有數十年工業及宇航級微波同軸開關研發經驗。 VM同軸開關廣泛應用于ATE自動化測試、無線移動通信測試系統、航天測控等領域。我們持續優化我們的過程控制水平,采用適應于客戶使用要求的優質材料以確保開關使用的穩定性、一致性以及設計的使用壽命。對于采用VM開關方案的項目,我們在設計之初即可快速提供原型樣品供設計驗證,同時在項目量產階段亦會依需求預測適時提供必要的安全庫存,以確保您在下單后能夠迅捷交貨,避免因較長貨期帶來項目延遲的成本損失。