■ DYC-JQ型-電磁真空壓差閥
■ DYC-JQ型電磁真空壓差閥是機械真空泵安全閥,安裝于機械真空泵的進氣口,并與泵同步開啟和關閉。當泵停止工作或電源突然中斷時,閥門利用大氣壓力使閥板自動關閉,使真空系統保持真空并將大氣充入泵腔內,從而避免泵油逆向流動而污染真空系統。適用介質為純凈空氣和非腐蝕性氣體。
Electro-vacuum Differential Pressure Valve
■ DYC-JQ electro-vacuum differential Pressure valve is a safely valve for mechanical vacuum pump. It is mounted at the intake nozzle of mechanical vacuum pump, synchronously opened and closed with the pump. In case that pump stops working or power supply is suddenly broken off, valve disc will be closed automatically under atmospheric pressure, to keep the vacuum system vacuum and the air charged into pump cavity, thus to prevent pump oil from reverse flow that can pollute the vacuum system. Applicable medium can be pure air or noncorrosive gases.
■ 主要技術性能
Main Technical Performance
■ 適用范圍:Applicability 105~10-2Pa
閥門漏率:Valve Leak Rate ≤1.3×10-2Pa.L/S.
適用溫度:Applicable Temperature -30~+50℃
線圍溫升:Coil Temperature Rise ≤65℃
開閉時間:Open-close Time ≤3S
電源電壓:Mains Voltage 220V/50Hz
■ 主要零件材料
Materials of Main Parts
■ 閥體、閥蓋、閥板:碳鋼或鋁合金
Body, bonnet and disc: carbon steel or aluminium alloy
Diaphragm: NBR and terylene silk
■ 外形及連接尺寸(mm)