LQLB-XS-1350型掃地機主要適用工礦、企業、大型庫房、大專院校、高檔別墅區等地面平坦、環境相對良好的場所。 一、產品特點 A. Product Features 產品特點 1、節能、環保。外形小巧美觀,經久耐用;優雅的提示音樂輔助操作,采用先進的高性能、免維護電池,不漏液,沒有有害氣體產生。 1. Energy saving and environmental friendly. Deliberated designs with durable working life, indicative pleasing music to assist the operation, high performance efficient battery without harmful gas and liquid leakage, no maintenance required. 2、警示燈閃爍,行駛安全;機體配置了照明燈,可以夜間操作 2. Flashing indicative lights for safe driving. Head lights for working at night. 3、配置36V電源,電池容量高。 3. Equipped with 36V power supply; high battery capacity. 4、掃地寬度為1350mm、小巧靈活,通過性能好。 4. 1350mm sweeping width, smart and flexible, easy to drive. 5、所有機械部件易拆卸;便于維護保養。 5. All the mechanic modules are easy to disassemble for maintenance convenience. 6、大型粉塵過濾網,可完全清理灰塵,電動震動器可以自動清潔過濾網。 6.It has large dust filter to clear the dust completely and with eletric vibrator to clear the filter. 7、高品質零部件,為產品的穩定性能提供了良好的基礎。 7. Reliable high quality components with low maintenance requirement and cost. 二、技術參數 B. Technical Parameters 序號 項目名稱Item Name 參數Parameters 1 清掃寬度Sweeping width(mm) 1350 2 工作效率雙刷Max. area performance double brushes(m2/h) 10000 3 爬坡能力Hill climbing ability(%) 20 4 主刷長度Main brush length (mm) 700 5 動力源Battery voltage(v) 36 6 連續工作時間Max working hours per charging(h) 6-8 7 垃圾箱容量Container capacity(L) 120 8 邊刷直徑Side brush diameter(mm) 500 9 驅動功率(電機)Drive power(Driving motor)(kw) 1200 10 作業功率(電機)主刷+風機+邊刷+振塵Working power (motors) of main brush + fan + side brush + dust vibration)(w) 600+400+80*2+50 11 轉彎半徑Turning radius(mm) 0(原地轉彎Turning on the spot) 12 最大工作速度Max. operating speed( km/h) 6 13 最大行駛速度Max. driving speed( km/h) 8 14 濾面積Filter area(m2) 5 15 尺寸Dimensions(LxWxh) (mm) 1600x1400x1450(C:1850) 16 重 量 N.W.( kg) 530