The air channel valve of a ventilating system covers air channel closing valve air channel adiusting valve and air channel check valve which are of different actions The action of the air channel closing valve comes at cutting offor isolating the airfIow inside of the Pipeline with the inte rnalleak of the valve required to be ze ro at isoIating the airflow while a certain leakage allowed at cutting off the airfIow The air channel adiusting valve acts at flow balance adiusting in the ventilating system,such as to keep the Pressure between the svstems and the temperature and humidifv inside of the factorv house,and,to qet this Purpose,the valve needs to be controlledupon the flowproperty The ventilating butterfly valve is to be the air channel closing valve and much more applied along with the development of both indusfry and agriculture in the recent years The refore the technicians in this Co have designed and developed series butterfly valves in different specifications for users to select.