直流系統電源 Agilent 6632B
廠家: 美國安捷倫
尺寸: 43×9×37cm
重量: 13kg
市場價: US$ 2,531美元(未稅)
6632B 100 Watt System Power Supply, 20V, 5A
6630系列 性能指標pdf
輸出電壓范圍: 0 to 20 V
輸出電流范圍: 0 to 5 A
Voltage: 10 mV
+ Current: 0.05% + 2 mA
紋波與噪聲 (20 Hz to 20 MHz, with outputs ungrounded or with either terminal grounded)
Voltage Normal Mode rms: 0.3 mV
Voltage Normal Mode peak-to-peak: 3 mV
Fast mode rms/ peak-to-peak: 1 mV/ 10 mV
Current rms: 2 mA
Load Voltage: 2 mv
Load Current: 1 mA
Line Voltage: 0.5 mV
Line Current: 0.5 mA
電話: 010 - 62123258 / 62123259 郵箱: [email protected]