BF增安型防腐防爆燈適用范圍: 爆炸性氣體混合物危險場所:1區,2區 爆炸性氣體混合物:ⅡA ⅡB 溫度組別:T1-T2 爆炸性粉塵混合物危險場所:21區 22區 溫度組別(粉塵):T1-T3 戶內,戶外 Application For the dangreous sites with eplosive air micture: 1division 2division Explosive gas atmospheres:ⅡA ⅡB Temperatures classes:T1-T2 Harardous: division 21&22 Temperature classes(dust):T1-T2 Indoor and outdoor
BF增安型防腐防爆燈產品特點: 鋁合金外殼壓鑄成型,表面噴塑. 鎮流器,觸發器安裝在燈體內. 防塵,防水,防腐,防爆性能好. 銅管或電纜布線. Features: Enclosure is made of casting aluminium alloy,surface is sprayed with plastic. Built-in ballast and contravention. It is dust-proof water-proof explosion-proof and erosion-proof good. User steal tube cable writing.