BZM8060防爆防腐照明開關適用范圍 .1.1區 2區危險場所. .2.IIA IIB IIC類爆炸性氣體環境. Application 。1.Can be used in Zone l and Zone 2 dangerous places. 。2.Can be used in IIA IIB IICgroup explosive atmosphere
BZM8060防爆防腐照明開關產品特點 1.外殼為增安型結構,采用高強度難燃料壓制而成,外形美觀且有抗靜電耐沖擊及穩定性好又耐腐蝕等優良性能 2.內裝控制開關為隔爆元件,為二極BK系列控制開關 3.電纜布線 4.符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標準要求 Features 1.The shell is of safety-increased type which is made of rigid flame-resistant plastic with aesthetic appearance,functions of electrostatic-resistant impulsion-withstanding good stability and corrosion- proofing etc 2.lnside is arranged explosion-proof switch which is double-pole BK series control switch 3.Suitable for cable wiring 4.Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request
BZM8060防爆防腐照明開關型號含義 Model implication
BZM8060防爆防腐照明開關主要技術參數 Main technical parameters 額定電壓(V) Rated voltage 額定電流(A) Rated current 電纜外徑(φ,mm) Cable's outer diameter 進線口螺紋(G〃) lnlet thread 防爆標志 Ex-mark 防護等級 Protection category 防腐等級Corrosion-proof category 質量(kg) Mass 220 10 10~14 3/4 Exed IICT6 IP65 WF2 0.7 *注;本產品通頭正常配置為G3/4〃,如用戶要求通頭配為G1/2〃或G1〃請注明.通頭為普通型通頭,如用戶要求采用復合密封型則請注明. *Note;The product s head s normal dimension is G3/4〃,Please noted if it is G1/2〃or G1〃 by use s demand Through head is normal,please noted if the user demands combined seal type
BZM8060防爆防腐照明開關控制開關代號 Controlling switch code 觸點組合型式 Contact compound type 種類Sorts 單極Single-pole 雙極Double-pole 串極Series-pole 雙控Double-controlled 代號Code A B C D