BXL-100B吸頂防爆燈適用范圍: 爆炸性氣體混合物危險場所:1區,2區 可燃性氣體,蒸氣組別:ⅡA ⅡB 氣體,蒸氣溫度組別:T1-T4 戶內,戶外(IP65) Application: For the dangreous sites with eplosive air micture: 1division 2division Flammable gas,stream class:ⅡA ⅡB Temperatures classes:T1-T4 Indoor and outdoor (IP65)
BXL-100B吸頂防爆燈型號含義 Model Meaning
BXL-100B吸頂防爆燈產品特點 鑄鋁合金燈體,表面噴塑; 銅化玻璃燈罩 鋼管或電纜布線. Features: Diecasted Al-alloy lampbody,the lamp post is of Zinc-plated steelpipe with plastic-strayed surface; The ballast and trighter are all mounted inside the lampbaby; The high of lamppost can be matched by users'choice; User steal tube or cable writing.
BXL-100B吸頂防爆燈外形尺寸 Outline demension
BXL-100B吸頂防爆燈主要技術數據 Main Technical Parameters 光源種類 Luminous source sorrs 功率(W) Power 燈頭型號 Lamp-holder type 電壓(V) Voltage 防護等級 Protection category 防爆標志Explosion-proof marker 防腐等級Corrosion-proof grade 進線口螺紋Inlet's thread(in) 電纜外徑Cable's outside diameter