BAL58防爆電鈴適用范圍 .1區 2區危險場所. .IIA IIB 類爆炸性氣體環境. .*要求llC類的請注明. .溫度組別;T1-T6, Application 。Can be used in Zone l and Zone 2 dangerous places. 。Can be used in IIA IIB group explosive gas environment. 。*Please note if want llC or safety reinforced type 。Temperatur classes;T1-T6
BAL58防爆電鈴產品特點 .鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑 .圓筒隔爆面防爆性能好 安全可靠 .鈴碗表面鍍鈹青銅,打擊時不會引起火花. Features 。The shell is made of diecasted AI-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface 。Cylinder enclosure can be well explosion-proof safe and secure 。The surface of bell is brass plated which won't produce sparkle when being hitten
BAL58防爆電鈴型號含義 Model Meaning
BAL58防爆電鈴主要技術數據 Main Technical Parameter
使用類別 Usage 額定電壓(V) Rated voltage 功率(KW) power 音響強度(dB) sound level 鈴蓋直徑 Bell cover diameter 防爆標志 Ex-mark 防護等級 Protection class 進線口螺紋(G〃) Inlet thread 電纜外徑(φ,mm) Cable's outer diameter AC 36 110 220 ≤20 ≥75(R=2m) 125 Exd II BT6 *Exd II CT6 IP54 3/4 8~14