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[供應]福建酒盒包裝 酒盒包裝設計 酒盒包裝設計制作首選
  • 產品產地:全國
  • 產品品牌:萬彩
  • 包裝規格:無
  • 產品數量:1
  • 計量單位:普通
  • 產品單價:0
  • 更新日期:2014-04-28 14:19:11
  • 有效期至:2015-04-28
  • 收藏此信息
福建酒盒包裝 酒盒包裝設計 酒盒包裝設計制作首選 詳細信息

福建酒盒包裝 酒盒包裝設計 酒盒包裝設計制作首選萬彩印務 包裝的功能主要有兩方面:一是自然功能,即對商品起保護作用;另一是社會功能,即對商品起媒介作用,也就是把商品介紹給消費者,把消費者吸引過來,從而達到擴大銷售占領市場的目的。   這兩種功能相輔相成。自然功能保護商品處於完好狀態,為社會功能的實現提供可能;社會功能把商品儘快地推向消費者手中,使自然功能的實現成為有效。而對於一種商品來說,包裝的自然功能和社會功能如何,直接影響到該商品在市場中的競爭力。   綜合包裝的功能,大致又可細分以下幾個方面:保護與盛載功能、儲運與促銷功能、美化商品和傳達信息的功能、環保與衛生的功能、迴圈與再生利用的功能等。 Packaging function has two main aspects: First, the natural functions that the protective effect of commodity another social function, which acts as an intermediary for the commodity, which is the product introduction to consumers, the lure consumers to achieve the purpose of expanding sales dominate the market. These two functions complement each other. Natural features to protect the goods in good condition, may provide for the realization of social function social function of the product into the hands of consumers as quickly as possible, so to achieve a natural function becomes effective. For a commodity, the packaging of natural and social functions have a direct impact on the commodity in the market competitiveness. Comprehensive package of functionality can be subdivided roughly the following aspects: protection and to contain functions, storage and marketing function, landscaping products and features to convey information, environmental and health functions, loops and recycling functions.

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