梭形百葉External Louvre Blinds 由PCTC高分子材料、特種鋁合金及不銹鋼零配件強化處理而成。集隔音隔熱、通風隱秘、美觀舒適、防爆多功能于一體。不生銹、不腐蝕、易清洗、免保養.可選多種顏色、遙控功能及紗窗配件,更可以進行各種個性化設計。 Made by PCTC,Aluminium extrusion molding, The appearance adopted the advanced surface treating technics,It has strong function of temperature persistence, aging prevention , water proof and corrosion prevention. We can provide the complete, systematic and professional solution according to the customer’s requirement. Weight:33kgs/M2. The max. length for each slat is 5 meters, Degree of rotation is 00-1200. Control system:motorized and automatic.
葉片規格分為200/300/450三種型號 Slat size: 200/300/450mm
1.外框 Frame 2.百葉封蓋A End Cap A 3.梭型百葉 Slat 4.百葉悶蓋B End Cap A 5.連桿 Linker Rail 6.電機 Motor