電動百葉簾Motorized Venetian Blinds 百葉簾分為鋁合金和木百葉兩種。 鋁合金簾片款式和色澤多種多樣,葉片的寬度分別有16mm、25mm 、50mm;就色澤來分有單色片、網孔片、加厚片、花色片等可供選擇。優質的鋁合金葉片加上襯色配件,容易搭配多種風格的室內裝飾設計,使百葉簾能恰當的融入室內空間之中,不管是住宅、辦公樓、公共場所等,都可以與建筑風格結合得自然、和諧。木百葉簾葉片強度大,韌性好,物理力學性能佳,色澤柔和,紋理清晰,質地細膩,能夠調節室內溫度及濕度,吸收紫外線,有益人體健康又可增加復古氣息,帶給人一縷懷舊的思緒,令人遐想。 Slat Option:Aluminium or wood. The blades overturn adjust the lighting which you want,Also the blades can upwards & downwards by manual controlled or remote controlled, Can be single panel controlled and muti-controlled, High performance of heat-insulation, Keep rooms cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Aluminium Venetian Blinds: Slat sizes can be 16mm、25mm 、50mm,Thickness:0.16mm/0.18mm.Slat Style:normal,printed and perforated. Wood venetian Binds: It is made by basswood, Slat size:27/35/50mm,Wood blinds captures beauty and enhance a rooms appeal while giving windows a center-stage states,Similar to fine furniture, It is built to last and offer a clean and classic look.
使用范圍: 垂直的玻璃幕墻、窗。 Application Scope: Vertical glazed structures or horizontal window 性 能: 可停留在中間任意位置,當百葉簾停止時可調整透光度。 Character: The system can be stopped at any position of middle. The blades overturn adjust the lighting which you want 技術要求: 每幅寬度≤4m,高度≤5.5m,面積≤18m2最為適宜。 Technical Requirment: Max. width: ≤4m,Max. Height: ≤5.5m,Max. Area:18m2 電 機: 專用管狀電機,根據寬度和長度選用不同功率的電機。 Motor: AC motor. 控 制: 可以手控、紅外遙控、無線電遙控、單獨控制、集群控制。 Cont