Employment-Based Immigration: First Preference EB-1
You may be eligible for an employment-based, first-preference visa if you have an extraordinary ability, are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager. Each occupational category has certain requirements that must be met:
You must have been employed outside the United States in the 3 years preceding the petition for at least 1 year by a firm or corporation and you must be seeking to enter the United States to continue service to that firm or organization. Your employment must have been outside the United States in a managerial or executive capacity and with the same employer, an affiliate, or a subsidiary of the employer. 主申請人在過去三年中必須有一年是在該跨國公司工作,且您打算去美國為該跨國公司拓展在美國的業務。您在該跨國公司或者該跨國公司的子公司或者分公司擔任管理人員或者經理至少一年時間。