供應模切加工美國進口高回彈手機邊框密封防塵泡棉, 像棉一樣柔軟的一種黑色材料,產品型號的不同,泡棉的厚度也不一樣,泡棉分為有機棉和無機棉兩種。泡棉的用途十分的廣泛,主要用于手機,電腦及所有帶屏幕的電子產品類,具有防震,減震等實際意義的功效。Like as a soft cotton black material, the product model is different, the thickness of the foam, foam into organic cotton and inorganic cotton two kinds. Foam USES very extensive, mainly used in mobile phones, computers and all of the screen with electronic product categories, with shockproof, shock absorption effect of practical significance.