惠州超細纖維無塵布生產廠家惠州專業加工定做仿超細纖維無塵布廈門市捷瑞靜電設備有限公司于1996年成立,致力于凈化產品與防靜電產品研發制造,主要產品包括10-10000級無塵布(超細纖維、普通纖維),無塵紙、防靜電工衣和工鞋、粘塵產品等各種凈化及防靜電產品。自成立至今,公司已經持續為國內外一大批SMT、PCB、LCD、精密儀器、生物醫藥等行業的制造商提供了產品和服務。 超細纖維無塵布,是用100%完全連續的超細纖維互鎖雙織布成,抹布的四邊采用了特殊的封邊技術,極大限度地防止纖維脫落和微塵的產生,產品在Class100無塵室清洗、包裝,適用于100級凈化室。產品具有極高的柔軟度,對被擦物體表面無傷害。18MΩ的純凈水清洗,100級無塵室包裝。微塵產生極低,且有效防止靜電產生。極低離子含量,耐腐蝕、耐化學溶劑,適合于半導體、液晶顯示、光學儀器等制造流程。 The superfine fiberclear room wiper consists of 100% entire continuous superfinefiber. The four sides of the wiper are dealt with the specialenvelope technique, which could prevent the fiber’s falling off andthe produce of the dust. The products are cleaned and packed in theclear room and used to the 100grade cleanse room. The products havethe character of high flexibility, which are harmless for thesurface of the wiped objects. The products are washed by the 18MΩpure water and packed in the 100 grade clear room. The produce oftiny dust is lower and the products could prevent the produce ofstatic effectively. There is quite lower content of ion and theproducts have the character of corrupt resistance and chemicalsolvent resistance, which are fit for the manufacture procedure ofsemiconductor, liquid crystal and the opticsinstruments