1.1 Does the factory have a copy of law document about “Child and Young Labor” and understand its requirements?  
1.2 What is the minimum age of workers specified by law?In China, minimum age of worker is 16 years old. Worker over 16 and those between 16 -18 are regarded as young labor.
1.3 Does the factory have effective procedures to verify the age of worker at the time of recruitment?  
1.4 Does the factory keep adequate document supporting age information of workers?Document like worker’ identity card copy
1.5 Does the factory register all the young workers working at the factory with the local labor bureau?  
1.6 Does information, collected through document checking and worker interview, prove that there is no child labor working at the factory?  
1.7 Does the factory arrange health check for all young workers working at the factory?  
1.8 Was it found that the factory did not arrange young workers to work in hazardous working conditions?  
1.9 Was it found that the factory did not arrange young workers to work on night shift?  
2.1 Does the factory have a copy of law document about forced labor and understand its requirements?  
2.2 Are all workers present voluntarily at the factory?  
2.3 Are workers free to leave after working hours?  
2.4 Are workers permitted to have sick leave or maternity leave?  
2.5 Was it found that there was no evidence of physical or verbal abuse?
2.6 Do all workers sign employment contracts with the factory according to law requirements?  
2.7 Was it found that security guard did not coerce workers?  
2.8 Was it found that workers were not required to lodge deposits or original documents?  
2.9 Was it found that there was no evidence of physical method of impeding freedom of workers such as locked exit during working hours?  
2.10 Are workers free to enter and exit dormitory?