上海漢宏紙業有限公司,作為中國辦公用紙加工的旗艦企業,通過十多年的成長,已發展成為國內規模最大、設備最先進、技術最雄厚的熱敏紙加工企業之一。公司秉承立足中國,放眼全球的戰略思想,建立了遍布全國各地及日本、美國、法國、俄羅斯、智利、阿聯酋、菲利賓等幾十個國家和地區的強大營銷網絡,并與國內、國際多家大型文具商貿公司及伊藤忠、沃爾瑪、麥德龍等公司長期保持作良好的合作關系,是日本王子、德國科勒等國際一流熱敏紙生廠商在中國最大的代理商,并且是國內冠豪等熱敏紙生產商的主要代理商。As a professional office paper converting company in China, After ten years hard grown up, Shanghai Hanhong Paper Co., Ltd. have been developed as a large production, advanced equipments and best technologies thermal paper slitting enterprise group in inland market. Insist of the principle located in Chinese market, Developing the global customers, Hanhong has been set up a whole sales network, which covers all provinces in China and Japan, USA, Canada, Russia, Philippines and Chile and so on. We also had set up a friendly relationship with Itochu, Wal-Mart and Metro and so on. Now we Hanhong Paper are the largest agent for those famous thermal paper manufacturers in the world, such as OJI Japan, Koehler Germany and Guangdong Guanhao and so on.2004年與日本SEIBUNDO株式會社合資成立上海碰得商務印刷有限公司,引進世界先進的自動化印刷設備,產品銷往日本及東南亞各國,是中國、日本郵政票據、單證、EMS等印刷產品的指定供應商。In 2004, Hanhong Paper had invested a joint venture with the famous and professional printing company Seibundo in Japan, Shanghai Panda Printing Co., Ltd. (ab. SPP) The main customers are Japanese Post Office, Fukuyama Transporting, FedEx Japan and EMS China. 2005年與日本PLUS公司合資組建上海漢宏普樂士文具有限公司,上海漢宏普樂士文具有限公司是國內第一家生產環保型再生紙文件夾的專業型公司,建設節約性中國、環保性社會是當代中國堅持可持續發展、創建和諧社會的社會主旋律,環保型再生紙文件夾因應社會發展的潮流,產品一上市,已成為各地政府機關、企事業單位、學校、醫院、銀行等單位采購的指定產品。In 2005, we made another joint venture company Shanghai Hanhong Plus stationery Co., Ltd.(ab. SHP) with a famous enterprise- PLUS Japan, which is well known in this line. SHP is specialized in producing recycle paper file. This product is very strong and erective, easily made, can be printed into different design and color. Furthermore, it is a kind of environment protective products, which is low-energy expending, less polluting. This introduction of the project fills the blank of domestic market in China. 2004年與日本基安石有限公司合作成立上海漢吉紙業有限公司,上海漢吉紙業有限公司是上海理光傳真機有限公司授權獨家生產、銷售理光品牌傳真紙的代理商。In 2004, we also made a joint venture with Jianji Japan, Shanghai Hanji Paper Co., Ltd. Hanji Paper is the sole company authorized by Shanghai Ricoh Corp. to produce and sell Ricoh brand fax paper in the whole Chinese market.