

您現在的位置: 浙江蘭溪信達有限公司 > 公司介紹
信達照明有限公司是一家專業生產特種燈泡的光源企業。尤其室船用燈系列,其技術和工藝在國內外處于領先地位。    自1992年創建以來,在戴友奎總經理的帶領下,公司擁有先進的生產和檢測設備,保證了產品的質量。    本公司擁有自營出口權,產品出口占銷售的60%以上,企業通過了ISO9001:2000標準質量體系認證、CE認證。  在商業機遇和挑戰并存的競爭時代,信達人一直堅持“質量第一、顧客至上、與時俱進、開拓進取”的宗旨,我們努力追求優質的產品和一流的服務,更珍惜我們的信譽。同時,我們希望在“平等和雙贏”的基礎上,與新老客戶建立良好的關系,竭誠歡迎您的惠顧與合作。    我們一貫堅持平等互利原則。希望通過我們共同的努力,來促進互利的貿易和友誼。  我們期待您的參與合作!  Zhejiang Lanxi Xinda Lighting Supply CO.,LTD., is an illuminating enterprise which produces all special kind of bulbs, especially marine bulb series, which our technique is in the leading position at home and abroad. Since its established in 1992, with the chairman of Mr.Dai’s efforts, we have advanced equipment and modern testing facility, which ensure the quality of product. The company has export and import right. Its exports take up high shares about over 80% of all its sales. The enterprise has obtained the ISO9001:2000standard quality system certificate and meanwhile is approved by CE. The company has had over 10 years of experience in producing for foreign trade. We have established trade relations with the firms of more than 20 countries in the world, especially in the regions of the Middle East, Europe and Asia. In the competitive system times when commercial opportunities and challenges go hand in hand, XINDA family have believed that “quality and client first, progress with the time”. We strive for top quality and first-class service, and cherish our reputation. Meanwhile, our company wants to develop good relations with both new and old customers. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principles of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote friendship and mutual benefit with joint efforts. We are looking forward to receiving your enquiry.
主營產品或服務: 特種船用燈泡;鈉燈;汞燈;海洋燈;捕魚燈;紅外線 采購產品:
經營模式: 企業類型: 其他有限責任公司
公司注冊地: 主要經營地點: 浙江省蘭溪市永昌工業開發區
公司成立時間: 法定代表人: 戴友奎
年營業額: 人民幣500萬元-700萬元 員工人數: 91-100人
經營品牌: 信達/XINDA 注冊資本:
主要客戶群: 主要市場: 大陸,西歐,東歐,東亞,東南亞
年出口額: 人民幣1億元以上 年進口額: 人民幣1億元以上
開戶銀行: 帳號:
是否提供OEM服務: 研發部門人數: 91-100人
質量控制: 內部 管理體系認證: ISO9001

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浙江民營企業網 sz-yuerui.com 版權所有 2002-2010


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