
Sunrise Industrial Ltd

主營:ribbon,gift bag,mask,hair clip
您現在的位置: Sunrise Industrial Ltd > 公司介紹
Sunrise Industrial Ltd is specialized in manufacturing decorative ribbons, bows, hairclips, gift bag and party masks products. With the investment of a full set of advanced machines and well-organized & experienced workers, we maintain the highest quality products and competitive price in the marketplace, also, our product development team constantly brings new products to the marketplace, which shows innovation and creativity for all of our customers. Sunrise product line includes: Satin Ribbon, Grosgrain Ribbon, Velvet Ribbon, Sheer Ribbon, Metallic Ribbon, Organza Ribbon, Jacquard Ribbon, Mesh Ribbon, Plaid Ribbon, Stripped Ribbon, Dot Ribbon, ribbon bows, ribbon trims, gift bows, gift bag, clips, barrettes, Christmas tree and handcraft ornaments for packaging, etc. By Holiday Collection, you will find many patterns & symbols for Christmas, Valentine, Halloween, Fall/Autumn, Spring, Easter, St. Patrick, etc. All of our products come in a wider range of patterns and colors, and always keeping up with the hottest trends and colors for holiday decorating. As a leading supplier of gift & crafts decorations in China, Sunrise strives to grow this position by continuously improving the quality and scope of its products and services, and always exceeding employee, and customer expectations Welcome for your enquiries! We will be happy to assist you in whatever you are trying to match.
主營產品或服務: ribbon,gift bag,mask,hair clip 采購產品:
經營模式: 企業類型: 私營合伙企業
公司注冊地: 主要經營地點: 7th Fl,BaoMin Gardon Park,BaoAn District,Shenzhen
公司成立時間: 2004-7-17 17:49:58 法定代表人:
年營業額: 員工人數: 少于5人
經營品牌: 注冊資本: 人民幣10萬元以下
主要客戶群: 主要市場:
年出口額: 人民幣10萬元以下 年進口額:
開戶銀行: 帳號:
是否提供OEM服務: 研發部門人數: 少于5人
質量控制: 管理體系認證:

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浙江民營企業網 sz-yuerui.com 版權所有 2002-2010


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